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Definition of Genre

Genres are defined as categories imposed upon communications across all mediums, based on social conventions. A variety of criteria may be used to classify works.

Genres originated as a rigid classification of poetry, prose and drama in Ancient Greece, which asserted the appropriate contents for different genres.Nonetheless, genre as a concept is highly adaptive, evolving and expanding to include new and more specific classifications in accordance with the progress of media.

Genre Theory

Steve Neale coined the genre theory, in which he coined the key concepts of repetition and subversion. In repetition, filmmakers employ motifs, themes and stylish devices specific to the genre, so as to give the audience an expectation of the upcoming content and keep the audience engaged. Adherence to the genre also increases the chance of commercial success. On the other hand, these genres are also constantly undergoing subversion, in which deviations from the genre stereotypes are involved so that the audience would receive an unexpected, novel experience. Subversion could create unique appeals for the audience, and may also achieve greater commercial success through appealing to a wider audience. The two concepts have a dynamic relationships, and are greatly interlinked with the socio-cultural, historical and economic background in which the works are produced.

Genres for Film Opening

I am currently exploring Drama and Thriller as prospective genres for my film opening, for the following reasons:

  • Both genres are often set in realistic backgrounds, which makes the use of small, controllable environments suitable in filming. This helps control the amount of work dedicated to setting up scenes, and reduces the potential film budget.

  • Dramatic tension is highly important in both genres, with a high emphasis on plot layout, which makes it overall advantageous for producing an eye-catching opening.

Genre Research: Thriller


  • Thrillers are often recognised for employment of camera, sound and mise-en-scene to create dramatic tension. This largely corresponds with my current knowledge of technical codes, and thus serves as a good starting point.

  • The atmosphere created in thriller movies could be useful in creating a film opening. Using these techniques in the opening would immediately attract the audience’s attention, and keep the audience intrigued of how the plot of the film might develop.

Genre Conventions: Thriller

Well-known directors of thriller films

  • Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Prestige, Memento)

  • David Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en, Gone Girl)

  • David Lynch (Mulholland Drive)

  • Martin Scorsese (Shutter Island)

  • Stanley Kubrick (2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining)

  • Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho, Vertigo)

Well-known actors of thriller films

  • Leonardo DiCaprio (Inception, Shutter Island)

  • Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs)

  • Jack Nicholson (The Shining)

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