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  • cyxarthur

I collaborated with our editor Dima to design our digipak. I was responsible for planning the contents and layout of the digipak. In blog 10, I wrote a detailed explanation of the creative process behind the content and design choices in our digipak as well as how these elements were combined to create meaning and intertextual references.

Dima was mainly responsible for filming and editing the album cover using his expertise with editing software. Gaining inspiration from slow-sync flash photography, we used a 20mm f1.4 macro lens. We repeatedly experimented with the shutter speed from 1/15 seconds to 1.5 seconds with a rear-sync flash, but none created sufficient exposure on the statue. We eventually settled with flashing the statue at regular intervals while the camera was swiftly panned to the right. I also assisted filming through adjusting lighting angles and specs.

The next step involved using Adobe Lightroom to edit the cover images. More specifically, the exposure on highlighted areas was increased while also darkening the shadowed parts. At this point the cover images looked appealing but lacked a coherent aesthetic direction. After a discussion (mentioned in Blog 10), we decided to create a futuristic/animated style which would create a visual link between the covers. This involved building highly distinct and refined edges on the images, for which we used Adobe Photoshop filter gallery to find the correct texture. The texturiser option was scaled to 120% and the grain concentration was set to 9%, which resulted in our final product. The same editing techniques were applied across the front and back covers, providing us with a strong sense of coherency throughout the digipak.



Year 13 CCR

1. How do your products represent social groups or issues? Our products have a relative underrepresentation of ethnic groups due all our group members being Asian. Our editor Dima has a half-Caucas

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